Marketing 4 – 28th August, 2019, Wednesday – Ms. Poonam Singh

The class started with what the word Brand meant. The brand is basically a name, symbol, design or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or services as distinct from those of other sellers.

Later I learnt about the usefulness of branding which includes customer recognition, customer loyalty, credibility, brand equity, attracting new talents, less vulnerability to competitive marketing actions etc.

We discussed further into Brand Equity. It depends upon three factors – initial exercises of brand elements like logo, jingles, etc, the supporting marketing programs and other associations indirectly transferred to the brand. For eg., Singapore airlines are known for being too helpful.

We also discussed about types of brand elements in detail like brand names, URL (uniform resource locator), logos and symbols, characters, slogans, jingles and packaging.

Along with this, I never realised but assigning brand elements is a crucial task. The brand elements must be obeying these things as listed below.

Memorable, so that they’re easily recalled or recognised, Meaningful, a little descriptive with context to the name, Likable, having a rich visual and fun & interesting, Transferable, to fit in categories across geographic boundaries and cultures, Adaptable, meaning flexible and updatable and lastly Protectable, legally and competitively.

Ma’am also took a small 10 mark teat based upon the knowledge we had gathered from the previous classes. We also had a class activity where we had to recognise the brand logos and tag lines shown on the slide.

Another fun activity was concluding what is the ‘bad guy’ our product was fighting against and what exactly made our product the superhero.

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