Marketing 6 – 18th September, 2019, Wednesday – Ms. Poonam Singh

In this class, we discussed the Promotional Mix. Things like advertising, public relations, personal selling, direct marketing etc are what makes the promotional mix.

Also discussed about Integrated marketing communications. Steps to develop effective marketing communication are – IDENTIFY the audience >> DETERMINE the communication objectives >> DESIGN the message that has to be told >> CHOOSE the media to send the message like Tv, radio etc >> SELECT message source and collect feedback.

I never focused on this before but there are actually 3 types of message contents namely, Pathos (appeal to emotions), Logos (appeal to logic/reason) and Ethos (appeal to credibility/character). Advertisements are formed in such a way that they appeal one of these three emotions to attract the consumer to the product. This was kinda like an eye-opener for me.

We also learnt about persuasive techniques in Ads like provoking the consumer to be the first one to get a certain product (Avante Garde), weasel words (playing with words to attract), Patriotism (something for their own country), bribery (buy one get one free -like offers), etc.

Ma’am showed us some advertisements and we had to identify what techniques were used to attract customers. It was a fun activity. And we even thought about a product of our own and the techniques we would use.

I thought of a rose soap bar which has a necklace/ring inside the soap as it finishes. It would depict transfer (as to show it’ll take you to a garden full of roses) and bribery (since there is a free gift inside it and can only be accessed to if you use the product).

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