Marketing 10 – 9th October, 2019, Wednesday

(Ms. Poonam Singh)

We learnt about different kinds of ads and types of online promotions that are being conducted by influencers or a blogger promoting a particular brand or restaurant.

I also got to know about ASCOR – digital marketing framework and made an advertisement.

I also got to learn about how social platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram etc contribute a lot when it comes to marketing online.

There are also many effective ways of marketing like Email marketing, blogging (like this one), Webinars, Contests, Search engine optimisation, etc.

There are also in game placements wherein there are brands like Mcdonald’s or a real life car design is placed inside a game, in way to market it.

There is also mobile marketing like app based, in game mobile marketing, QR codes, SMS, location based marketing etc.

I also learnt about Competitor strategies. In particular I got to know about Micheal Porter’s competitive positing strategies.

there are so many possibilities to this, this can be achieved by –

• expanding total market/ expanding market share/ protect market share

• by fully frontal attack or indirect attack

• following the competitor closely or following at a distance

• multiple niche or by customers, market, quality, price and services.

This class had a lot of information that I had to process and I still am processing. I have started to see advertisements with a different perspective now than I did before. I would say I see them in a very pessimistic way now, haha. It’s quite a task to be in this field and I am glad if that ever happens I’ll have a little bit idea about how things work.

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