Space and Materiality 10 – 11th October, 2019, Friday.

(Ms. Meenal Sutaria)

In continuation to the wearables project introduced in the last class ma’am was kind enough to show us a few examples by some famous people.
One thing I did notice and ma’am mentioned it later as well was that in those examples, the materials of the wearables was not only limited to being flexible. There were wearables made out of thin metal and wood! Very interesting.

Out of the 5 point of contact we chose 3 to work upon and eventually would choose one. The three final one me and my partner decided were –
1. Elbow on shoulder (inhibit)
2. Chin on head of the other person (assist)
3. Griping someone’s bicep (assist)

Now, ofcourse we had to sketch these using proper measurements so went went right to it.
As it is an assignment which is to be done in pairs I sketched Elbow on Shoulder from all the sides with proper measurements.

By the end of the class we were graded on the sketches we made and we are yet to finalize one point of contact from the list mentioned above for which we will have to make a wearable.

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