Integrative Seminar 11 – 17th October, 2019, Thursday.

(Ms. Kanika Sharma)

We had a discussion about the poems we had to write on the 3 images we clicked from our visit to Sassoon Docks.

I tired writing a free verse poem, an acrostic and a couplet. The free verse poem got approved by ma’am but I had to make changes to the next two.
Even though, I have written poems before, this was quite a task since I had to write the poems only in context with the image we clicked. It was great! I am actually satisfied with it.
The free verse poem was –

Hiding in the ebb and flow,
But will somehow catch
With this net I made in one go
Standing in the sun
For hours and hours
Committed to my work
To satisfy my hunger
Changing the job
Whenever it rains
It is difficult
But I can’t complain
I have to make a living
To keep my family happy
For this the job
That doesn’t keep our stomach empty.

We also finalized our interview questions –
Ques 1 : What is the alternate job they do during monsoons?
Ques 2 : Why this job only and what makes them stick to Sassoon docks since there are other fish markets.
Ques 3 : How long have they been working there? (If working for a long time then ask about the changes like employment, over the years)

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