Marketing 11 – 16th October, 2019, Wednesday.

(Ms. Poonam Singh)

It was told that this would be our last class for the essential series – Marketing.

We discussed a lot of topics in this particular class like, Customer Experience Management (CEM) which is the practice of designing and reacting to customer interactions throughout the customer lifecycle. It is essential to strengthen brand preference through differentiated experiences, Improve customer loyalty (and create advocates) through valued and memorable customer interactions, this is why this is important.
Persona, which is creating fictional characters created based upon the user research. It helps to understand users, their wants and needs, experiences, behaviors and goals.

The customer experience journey, includes interactions and touchpoints through traditional channels such as website purchases, phone calls, live chat etc. The communication mediums are infact,still emerging.
Now, touch points are interactions that might alter the way that your customer feels about your product, brand, business or service.

As our final project was to make 2 personas for a product/service/experience of our choice and list all the possible touchpoints.

We took Gucci as our brand and made two personas of one being a teenage boy and a middle aged divorced woman.

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