Integrative Studio 12 – 7th November, 2019, Thursday.

(Ms. Prarthana Patil)

Today, ma’am told us about the final project which is making an installation based upon the map of the place we visited such that that we can bring what we experience in the class for other others to experience it. Well, now that’s challenging!

“How am I supposed to bring the fish smell and boats to the class for everyone to experience it?” – this is the first thing that crossed my mind because it seems impossible.

She gave us the rest of the class to think of ideas and discuss them with her for approval.
Took almost the entire class time but me and one of my group mates Harsh, discussed 3-4 ideas for the installation and surprisingly we came up with an idea to depict the smell of the fish too. Didn’t think that was possible!

We are still yet to finalize the final installment idea and also make the map.

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