Drawing 13 – 11th November, 2019, Monday

(Ms. Sonia Mallick)

I came with my character sketches drawn from four angles and colored using alcohol markers, only shades of grey. I didn’t think I did the coloring right because I was using alcohol markers for the first time. So, I did not color all the characters and had them uncolored to seek help from ma’am.

Ma’am helped me a lot with my character design and gave me tips on using alcohol markers. If i hadn’t asked ma’am then my characters wouldn’t have looked this nice!

I also decided how my zine would look like. I have 7 frames in total so I thought it would look best as a small booklet.

I spent the rest of the class making my final zine and trying out different shades of grey alcohol markers.
In the end, I chose to use colors because my story demanded those and color plays an important role in it as well.

I think I learned that it’s best to try out a lot of other mediums and ways to do something before making the final project, or whatever it may be because you never know what might look even better than before. Exactly what happened with me since I was going only for grey scale and ended up using colors and making changes in my character sketches too.

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