Integrative Studio/Seminar – 12th December, 2019.

Reviewed by – Ms. Pooja kaloy

This was a very interesting review! Ma’am really liked everything that we showed to her i.e, the map and the 3D installation. She was happy that we showed all the process work along with the final work.

Ma’am asked us all one question in the end which was what did we learn out of this whole experience of mapping and the installation and about the place we visited.

I honestly felt that since it was a group project cooperation among the teammates was very important and understanding, definitely. I think I learned how to work as a team and try to cooperate with everyone and understand their perspective. Adjustment, understanding and cooperating are the exact three things that I now have a fair idea about.

The faces on the ice cream sticks were the reactions of us 4 members in the group from the first time we visited the place.

Riya, since she is a vegetarian was very disturbed by the foul smell of the dead fishes.
Harsh had the same reaction as her.
I (Niharika) and Kashish were not too bothered by the smell, infact, I really liked the smell of diesel and petrol there and Kashish was too busy and enjoying recording voices she heard around.

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