Interior design, week 2 – 15th January, 2020, Wednesday.

(Ms. Shruti ma’am)

I got to learn about how we interact with different elements – light/shadow, materiality, solidity, water, user, colour, program, framing and time – and influence where we want the person experiencing a place to pay attention at.

Ma’am asked us to notice spaces now and notice where the light is, the walls and where my own attention goes first. This is something i’ll definitely do.

Works of different artists were shown and their specialty.
Like Carlo Scarpa, who is very much known for his keen interest in materials
Bijoy Jain, who focuses on framing a space. And Luis Barragan who played with colour.

I really found the paintings of Edward Hopper interesting because he made notes prior to painting them and kept it simple, doesn’t go deep, just sees it as it is yet paints them beautifully.

We discussed about how certain places makes us feel. We discussed about Marine Drive and everyone talked about what time of the day they prefer visiting it.

It was a fun class, I really enjoyed looking at the designers works and understanding a deeper level of why they make what they make because there is always a reason!
Definitely looking forward to the next class.

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