Integrative Studio, Week 4 – 30th January, 2020, Thursday.

(Ms. Prarthana Patil)

Ma’am had a face to face discussion about all the iterations I made about my perception of the 5 cities. She reviewed my work and gave a little feedback about how I can break away from the mainstream concept of a spiral staircase as mentioned in the novel and depict the same by something else entirely.
She liked 4 of my drawings a lot and told me to develop from those and make it more detailed.

After improvising on the 3×3
we have to make 10×10”, 3 drawings of the cities, we are allowed to use any elements from the previously discussed or from another chapter from the novel or our own imagination.

I had a wild time brainstorming to show things in different ways but I think I am slowing getting somewhere to what she is expecting of me. I hope I am able to depict what’s on my mind. Sometimes it is hard to draw what we think about and I think that’s because lack of drawing practice.. hopefully I’ll make them as neat and clear as possible.

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