Interior design elective, Week 6 – 12th February, 2020, Wednesday .

(Ms. Shruti Ma’am)

Ma’am reviewed our 3D model for the Parking lot we had to depict. She gave us some feedback and told us to add some tiny details we mentioned in our respective poems. So, we read our poems again and saw the images of the parking lot we observed again and added details like the arrows depicting the way in and out in the respective colors i.e, green and red., the P1, P2… so on are the Parking spaces for the cars “to rest” and the speed bump etc.

This is the top view and the foil is to show the AC ducts in the basement.
This is more of a work in progress picture.

It was really fun working on this for me because it had to look neat and depict our space making sure that it’s not too literal and including the elements from the poems too!
I’m excited for the review that’s gonna take place in the next class, that feedback is much needed and would be really helpful in the models that i will be making in the future.

I liked how i kind of have an idea now on how to handle Art file (the brown paper) as a material with tape and fevicol. What adhesive works best with what. Never gave a lot of importance to such things but I know now that they play an important role in making our models look better and cleaner!

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