Integrative Seminar, Week 7 – 20th February, 2020, Thursday.

(Ms. Kanika Sharma)

This class we were told to bring all the 6 chapters of our book. Unfortunately I was unable to keep up with the task. Despite of having a lot of ideas and writings I was not able to come up with a good story line. I did write one chapter which was not enough to be given feedback upon.

I think I am facing difficulties, not in coming up with a story, but to how am I supposed to put it in words. I think I have been focusing a lot on making it “perfect” which I know is not the aim of this assignment.

Because of the peer review conducted in class, I got to read my fellow classmates story and I realised that it need not be perfect but just the idea conveyed should be clear and slowly we can work towards making it a better story or choosing other words.

After the peer review I spent some more time working on my own story. I was feeling a little low since I had not been able to complete my work and I dislike when I am lagging behind in class. But I think that’s okay since everyone has their own pace of catching up to things but we all eventually get there.

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