Integrative Seminar, Week 10 – 12th March, 2020, Thursday.

(Ms. Kanika Sharma)

I got all the mind maps of all the disciplines I am interested in, today. Every one displayed their mind maps disciplines wise on the tables and we were free to go around and have a look at them.
We were encouraged to make notes while looking at other people’s maps if we found that something shouldn’t be there or something we thought we missed out on.

I saw maps for 3 disciplines – Communication, Product and Interior.
I noticed a few things that I hadn’t mentioned in my own map like Marketing is also a part of Communication Design.
Product design also has health care products like fits bits and insulin injections etc, which I missed out upon. And,
Interior design would also have transitional spaces like courtyard, veranda, ramps, lobby, etc.

After noting these down everyone had a chance to speak about the same and discuss it with the whole class.
There were also some common things like psycho graphics which falls under every discipline. It is s a qualitative methodology used to describe traits of humans on psychological attributes. Psycho graphics have been applied to the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles. So, this does play an important role in every discipline.

I learned a lot of new terms today. Even for the things I knew but did not know the right terminology for it. It was also very interactive this time since every single person in class got a chance to spoke and share their views.
It was also interesting seeing how everyone had made their mind maps in very different ways.

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