Integrative Studio, Week 10 – 12th March, 2020, Thursday.

(Ms. Prarthana Patil)

After the mind mapping for the three disciplines was done. We were supposed to choose just one category and one element from it and then write the parts for the same. Basically simplifying it as much as possible till a point where we can’t segregate it further.

We used the process of elimination for this. So, I knew what interested me but I wrote why the rest did not. After a lot of thinking and a little bit of discussion with ma’am I was able to come down to Graphic design as my Category, Book design a my sub- category and magazine design as my element.

The parts can be seen below on my mid map.

I further chose Layout as my part which is to be explored further.
This seems like a very interesting assignment. The process itself is making me do a lot of research and clearing doubts about the disciplines I have. I think this will somewhat help me choose my specialization too in the next year.
I have been also learning a lot of new terms for the things I already knew but did not know the terminology for it.

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