Time, Week 9 – 6th March, 2020, Friday.

(Mr. Jai Ranjit)

I did not know we were going to watch such an entertaining movie today. It was harishchandrachi factory. It was a delight!

I am usually very reluctant to watching old movies whenever anyone asks or suggest but not after this one I suppose.
In the movie, Dadasaheb Phalke, showed his eagerness in establishing the movie industry in India. He is also called as the father of Indian cinema. People told him to give up so many times but he stayed intact, I really liked how his behavior was towards his goal. Even his wife was willing to give up her jewels just so he can fulfill what he wanted. She supported him through out.

Later we discussed about the movie and how everyone felt about it. It was a good easy going discussion.
I found the movie to be funny and inspiring because he never gave up on his goal. And even though he had an option to go abroad to London and make movies there, he did not. He was looking at the bigger picture and wanted to establish a cinema in India.

Now, we are supposed to watch 5 old movies of a particular era.
The movies given f=to my group are – Apur sansar, Mughal e azam, Naya daur, Howrah bridge and Chalti ka naam gaadi.
And then make mind maps of the same.

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