Objects as History, Week 11 – 16th March, 2020, Monday.

(Ms. Malvika Mahidhar)

We made a lot of observations about the statues of Buddha and how differently it was represented from one another.

I learned a new term – Ushmisha – which is referred to the bun of Buddha’s hair.
Observed how Halo behind him started to appear in the statues after he gained his enlightenment. Halo was a big deal since it is not reserved for everyone.
The hair texture was also different in some of the statues.

There was also a mention of an interesting term while studying the huge footprint with swastika on every finger, “Iconography”
Which means, elements or symbols used to differentiate one art style from another.
Also, the eyes of Buddha appeared lotus like which symbolizes purity.

Image result for buddha statue artefacts

I was getting visuals of Ajanta and Ellora caves while discussing this.. because I remember it had something to do with Buddhism. I can not remember now since it was long back when I had visited the caves.

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