Time, Week 10 – 13th March, 2020, Friday.

(Mr. Jai Ranjit)

Today, everyone talked about their movies and EVERYONE seemed excited about discussing. Since I haven’t seen everyone’s movies some of the conversation went right through my head.
I love discussing in this class and I feel very comfortable in doing so.
It was nice hearing about everyone’s opinions and hoe keenly they observed their respective movies. Some people made hand written notes as well! Who knew they’d one day be making notes about movies they were dreading to watch?

Later, we sat in group and discussed about what we observed in the movies in respect to the music, lifestyle, clothing, dialogues, roles of the people in the movie etc.
Because this was in a group we were able to cover almost everything.
I noticed how people pay attention to what they’re interested in most… like Rashi in my group had a lot to say about the costumes and the type of cloth they used, where as I had absolutely nothing to say about it except for their aesthetics.

We made mind maps and jotted all our observations about these movies. We still have a few to complete, though. Looking forward to the next class now!

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