Time, week 12 – 27th March, 2020, Friday.

(Mr. Jai Ranjit)

We made the era mind map keeping in mind what movies we have watched.

Everyone gave their points based on what that have observed and some secondary research as well.
So far this assignment has been fun and now comes the MOST fun part.

Now, as a group we plan on making a podcast (video or not, we haven’t concluded yet). One person would be the host and the rest will be the characters from the movie (5 movies). We are 6 people so this fits well. And we are going to talk about several aspects of the era and about the movies, mimicking the characters we have chosen. This will be my first time doing mimicry, if we do decide on doing this. There are many things we have to take into account before actually try doing this.

We have already started preparing a proper script so there are no mistakes and observing the way the characters talk so we are able to perform well. I think this is a very cool way to learn about the era and fun to listen as well! I am very excited, haha!

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