Time – 17th April, 2020, Friday.

(Mr. Jai Ranjit)

Sir viewed mine and my group’s final work for the review. I was happy that he noticed some skills that I could work on. I am glad my efforts and work was recognized as well.

I saw other group’s work and everyone had done an amazing job! I loved the concept of VR, I personally wouldn’t have thought of that myself. The details were also taken care of which was really amazing, along with the documentation process.

Another group had a virtual magazine but very much interactive with quizzes that tell you which character you represent from the set of movies they had watched. It was very good. I loved how they had taken care of the look and the content of an old magazine of that era because it gave off exactly that vibe. The color choice and the tiny hand made advertisements were not neglected too. It was great.

The poems written by another group in order to represent what their era was all about were really heart touching. So well written and deeply thought of. They layout was great too and the reason behind it was relevant.

I think everyone should be proud of their work because they all have done an amazing job.

As of my group, I loved working and being a part of it. It was a new experience yet again and surly learnt a lot of things out of it like team work (VERY IMPORTANT), looking at things from a fresh perspective and also understanding how the user (listener in our case) would feel when we present our work, I guess that’s called empathy. 🙂
There’s always scope for improvement but i’m happy that I put in my best efforts in this.

Speaking about the whole year, like how we all say it, like a rollercoaster, some assignments were tough, some were like a piece of cake, but I learnt something new out of every single one of them, which is ALL that matters to me. Learning.

I would have loved it more (than I already do) if my history and imaging classes would have been more interactive and time efficient on some days.

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